Whyper Solo Exhibition : “It Is What It Is”
@ THE blank GALLERY, Tokyo
2025年2月14日(金)-16日(日) Feb. 14-16
FRI : 2:00pm-7:00pm
SAT : 12:00pm-7:00pm
SUN : 12:00pm-6:00pm
インドネシア出身、在住のイラストレーターLalu Wahyu Permana (通称Whyper)は、5年ほど前から主に音楽関連のポスターやアルバムジャケット、マーチなどを数多く手がける。イラストレーターとして、Whyperは純粋に描く事を楽しみ、それは幼少期から変わっていない。かつては趣味だったが、今では生きる術として描いている。お金は好きだが、展示する事も楽しい。
個展 “It Is What It Is” について
P.S. 今回の作品は、日本の人々に馴染みのあるキャラクター達を描いたから、楽しんでもらいたい。
■Lalu Wahyu Permana (Whyper)
近年の代表的な仕事にLunar Division、Fastwork、Frank Oteroなど。
2023年1月、天神山アートスタジオ(札幌)にて個展 “Journey to the Unkown” を開催。

Lalu Wahyu Permana or commonly called “Whyper” is an illustrator from Indonesia who has been a professional illustrator for approximately 5 years and has created many works related to music such as music posters, band album covers, Spotify covers, merchandise and other music needs. Some of his latest works are making music posters for the bands Lunar Division, Fastwork, and song covers from Frank Otero.
As an illustrator, Whyper feels that drawing is fun. The only thing that has not bored Whyper since childhood. Initially, Whyper drew as a hobby. Now, Whyper draws to survive. Money does make Whyper happy. But, exhibiting is also fun.
So this time, Whyper is drawing for an exhibition. Not expecting anything, but if this can bring in money (and also links that eventually make money), that’s good for him hahaha
By the way, this is Whyper’s second exhibition in Japan. Glad to be back again. But, it’s not cheap to come here, so come and enjoy! Seriously
For those enjoying this artwork, there’s no need to search for deep meaning. “It is what it is” feels right. I’m tired of overanalyzing everything. why not keep it simple? If you see four eyes in the artwork, don’t overthink it. They’re just there because they look cool. That goes for everything in this exhibition. Isn’t honesty easier? Then again, doesn’t ‘meaningless’ also carry its own meaning? Ah, maybe I’m just tired of meaning altogether.
PS: I made all these artworks using Japanese anime characters to make you relate more to these artworks, so they look more interesting haha (hopefully)(not so sure)(but why not).
■Lalu Wahyu Permana (Whyper)
Born in 1994, in Mataram, Indonesia.
Making music posters for the bands Lunar Division, Fastwork, and song covers from Frank Otero.
Exhibition :”Journey to the Unknown” 21-25 January 2023 – Tenjinyama Art Studio / Sapporo
会場:THE blank GALLERY アクセス access
東京都渋谷区神宮前3-21-6 大崎ビル3F
3-21-6-3F Osaki bldg. Jingumae, Shibuya, Tokyo
HP: http://www.the-blank-gallery.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_blank_gallery.tokyo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/the_____gallery
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/THEblankGALLERY.Tokyo