


Solo Exhibition by ZEDZ

@ THE blank GALLERY, Tokyo 


この度THE blank GALLERYにて、オランダ出身のアーティストZEDZの個展を開催します。


ZEDZ – 1971年、オランダ出身。





会場:THE blank GALLERY


オープニングパーティー:10月3日 18:00~21:00


ZEDZ Website:       http://www.zedz.org/

Official Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/zedz.org?fref=ts


■Artist Statement:

本展覧会に向け、ZEDZ本人より以下のステートメントが寄せられています。(English follows)






ZEDZ, 2014


I remember being interested in 2 dimensional presentations of architectural plans since I was about 10 years old. A few years later I got interested in graffiti and it was my first connection towards becoming a visual artist. At the time my work was strongly influenced by the hip hop culture and music. In the following years, my interest broadened and my aim became to contribute and to enrich the culture which I grew up with. I am analysing two early interests and use this as an input for creating my work.

The Japanese urban architecture makes a strong impact on me. The way in which the cities are organised and the textures and colours used for the buildings are slightly different from back home, this feeds me with information which I use as a window into my spatial geometric abstract world it inspires me for example to use certain textures and the way in which I make use of density and volumes in my work.

With my works I aim to researching the tension between surface and dimensionality, between 2D and 3D. Layers are building up an altered architecture in which I try to create some kind of a static motion, creating remixes between different entities using grids and spacial elements.

I came to Japan to work for three weeks to work on location and hoping to catch the vibrant feeling of Tokyo and get inspired by it. In this period I will create work by using silkscreen print, work in a conventional fashion by printing manually creating more or less unconventional ‘one-offs’, in this way I use silkscreen printing as a tool rather then as a method of reproduction. The aim is to surprise and enjoy myself and the potential audience, I like to compare my work to that of an musician that is improvising in a jam session. I want to pay homage by making a tribute to the megapolis that inspired me so much over the last 15 years.

ZEDZ, 2014 


THE blank GALLERY  access
東京都渋谷区神宮前3-21-6 大崎ビル3F
平日 week days                  13:00-19:00 (木曜日定休 closed on Thursday)
土日祝 sat, sun, holiday 12:00-19:00
zedz studio1zedz studio4
zedz studio3
zedz studio2