(english follows)


snAwk Solo Exhibition “OBSESSION”

ステンシルアーティスト snAwk 2010年から継続的に制作し続けている、福沢諭吉のポートレートをモチーフとした作品郡。ニューカラー、ニューバージョンを含む、これまでの歴代YUKICHI作品を一挙公開します。

フクザワユキチは、究極のポップアイコンだ。日本に住む人々にとって、これほどまでに愛されてい る肖像画は、他にあるだろうか。本人による歴史的偉業もさることながら、現代においてその肖像画が持つパワーは絶大だ。彼の肖像が印刷された紙切れを、皆が重宝し、欲している。ある者は、それと共に幸福な人生を手にし、またある者は、それによって人生を狂わされる。我々は皆、フクザワユキチに取り憑かれてしまっている。



snAwk ホームページ




会場: THE blank GALLERY

東京都渋谷区神宮前3-21-6 大崎ビル3F

営業時間 12:00~19:00 木曜定休


A series of works based on the portrait of Yukichi Fukuzawa which a stencil artist snAwk has been working on since 2010. Including new colours and new versions, a collection of past “YUKICHI works” will be displayed. (Yukichi Fukuzawa is a Japanese historical figure which appears on the current 10,000-yen banknote, the highest value released in Japan.)

Yukichi Fukuzawa is such a pop icon. Here in Japan, there is no other portrait that is so popular and loved. Apart from his historical achievements, the power of his portrait is enormous today. Everyone wants and cherishes the pieces of paper with his portraits printed. It could make your life wealthy, or it could mess you up. We are all obsessed by Yukichi Fukuzawa.

Even the global depression has been said for a long enough, the government has just changed here in Japan and signs of economic recovery have emerged. The stock markets and exchange rates are uplifting. This is the resurrection of the Japanese economy. Our future is bright. From now on Yukichi Fukuzawa will bring more happiness to us Japanese citizens. It’s a welcome endeavor.


snAwk website


2013.3.2(sat) – 3.17(sun)

@ THE blank GALLERY, Tokyo

HOURS  12:00 – 19:00

Closed on Thursdays
